Virtual Production

Black To White

We create space with light.

Utilizing digital media technology, we lead the production of cultural content across various genres such as movies, dramas, advertisements, music videos, conferences, live broadcasts, and photography, using ICVFX and XR techniques. 

XON Studios to turn diverse ideas from creators, artists, and producers into the values of the new era through virtual production.

Virtual Art Content

Imagination To Reality

We turn imagination into reality.

Experience the world of XON Studios, where virtual production content is created using game engines and LED walls to blend fantasy worlds and the real world.

Virtual Production Content

  • Real-time content
  • Visual Art
  • Pre-visual Real-time 

Content Stock Library

Virtual Conference/Event

Creativity To Specialty

We offer unique experiences through a new dimension of space and time. 

Try creating your desired events using virtual production technology.

  • Technical Demonstration
  • Media Day
  • Launching Show
Content Production


From content planning, production, to final completion, we work together with top-notch technology and talent. 

XON Studios will accompany you in creating content that surpasses genre boundaries, with our unique technical expertise and creativity.

  • Content Development and Production
  • Virtual Production Coordinating
  • Virtual Production Technical Services
VP Studio Consulting

Reality To Imagination

We provide solutions for the entire process of studio construction, from virtual studio equipment design, installation, system setup, to operating system facilities, with high-level technical skills and specialized personnel, making your dream space a reality through virtual studios.

  • Design, Installations, Integration
  • Virtual Production Facility Consulting


Virtual Production

Black To White

We create space with light.

Utilizing digital media technology, we lead the production of cultural content across various genres such 

as movies, dramas, advertisements, music videos, conferences, live broadcasts, and photography, using ICVFX and XR techniques. 

XON Studios to turn diverse ideas from creators, artists, and producers into the values of the new era through virtual production.

Virtual Art Content

Imagination To Reality

We turn imagination into reality.

Experience the world of XON Studios, where virtual production content is created using 

game engines and LED walls to blend fantasy worlds and the real world.

Virtual Production Content

  • Real-time content
  • Visual Art
  • Pre-visual Real-time 

Content Stock Library

Virtual Conference/Event

Creativity To Specialty

We offer unique experiences through a new dimension of space and time. 

Try creating your desired events using virtual production technology.

Technical Demonstration

Media Day

Launching Show

Content Production


From content planning, production, to final completion, we work together with top-notch technology and talent. 

XON Studios will accompany you in creating content that surpasses genre boundaries, with our unique technical expertise and creativity.

Content Development and Production

Virtual Production Coordinating

Virtual Production Technical Services 

VP Studio Consulting

Reality To Imagination

We provide solutions for the entire process of studio construction, from virtual studio equipment design, installation, system setup, to operating system facilities, with high-level technical skills and specialized personnel, making your dream space a reality through virtual studios.

Design, Installations, Integration

Virtual Production Facility Consulting

©2023 XON Studios. All Rights Reserved.

©2024 XON Studios. All Rights Reserved.